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Announcing 2024-2025 Youth Board Executive Committee

Photography credit: Charm Photography

The Hands4Hope - Youth Making A Difference Youth Board is the youth advisory board for Hands4Hope. They ensure that the youth voice leads the way when making decisions related to new volunteer and community engagement opportunities. In addition, the Youth Board provides the platform for youth leaders across schools to network and share information. They also work collaboratively to lead Youth Board meetings and events, plan and facilitate leadership camps, retreats and other leadership workshops, and represent Hands4Hope in the community through public speaking engagements.

The Youth Board is comprised of all presidents, vice presidents, chairs and vice chairs from each club and committee in the Hands4Hope Education Program. In total there are typically 20 youth who sit on the Youth Board. The Youth Board is led by the Youth Board Executive Committee which includes a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Public Relations Coordinator and three Hands4Hope Community Engagement Ambassadors - one each for El Dorado Hills, Folsom and Placerville.

Mia George, Hands4Hope Youth Board President

& Folsom High School Hands4Hope Club President

Hello! My name is Mia George and I am a senior at Folsom High School, as well as the Youth Board and Folsom Club President. I have been involved in Hands4Hope for a little over two years and I am excited to continue being a part of this community. One of my top 5 Gallup strengths is being restorative. I believe this strength helps me provide successful peer leadership, as it means I can not only identify a problem that arises but also take necessary steps to figure out how to resolve it. I pride myself on this quality because I see every mistake as a lesson rather than a failure - I see it as an opportunity for a better future rather than a faulty past. Putting that aside, my favorite hobbies include playing volleyball, watching a good movie/tv show, reading, and simply hanging out with my friends. What inspires me to be involved in helping fill unmet needs in my community is the fact that I wholeheartedly believe you are the change you wish to see in the world.

Last but not least, my hope for the Youth Board this year is to teach those on the committee the skills necessary for future success!!

Lily Hinkle, Hands4Hope Youth Board Vice President

Hi! My name is Lily Hinkle. I will be a junior at Ponderosa High School in the fall. I have been in Hands4Hope for five full years, four of which as a leader. I am the outgoing Public Relations Coordinator and the incoming Vice President on the Hands4Hope Youth Board. One of my top 5 Gallup strengths is achiever, meaning I always strive for the best in any situation. I will always work my hardest on whatever I am doing, and I will make sure everyone else is included and doing their share of work. In my free time, I love going to Kings games, watching basketball and hanging out with my family, friends and dog. I always love seeing the impact Hands4Hope has on the community. It’s always so rewarding, knowing that any project we do will greatly benefit the organization we work with.

My goal for the Youth Board this year is to help other youth take action in the community and help them build the confidence to grow and develop lifelong skills.


& Oak Ridge High School Club Secretary

Hi I am Addison Hunt and I am a Senior at Oak Ridge High School. I have been involved with Hands4Hope for 7 years. I am currently Project Manager for the School Supply Committee, Secretary for the Oak Ridge Inspire Club, and Secretary for the Youth Board Executive Committee. One of my Top 5 Gallup Strengths that I discovered through Hands4Hope is my ability to be analytical. This strength allows me to identify needs in my community, as well as work with others to find and create solutions. Some of my hobbies outside of Hands4Hope are reading, running, skiing, and playing basketball. My inspiration to help fill unmet needs in my community comes from my yearning to learn and understand others’ experiences and opinions. Understanding others helps me figure out how I can personally make a difference in the world.

Through serving on the Hands4Hope Youth Board Executive committee I hope to improve my collaboration and communication skills with others, as well as make a difference in my community.

Sam Scholz, Hands4Hope Youth Board Treasurer

& Ponderosa High School Hands4Hope Club President

Hi I am Samantha Scholz and I'm a senior at Ponderosa High School. I joined Hands4Hope my freshman year and have been involved since. I am currently the President of the Ponderosa Hands4Hope Club, as well as the Treasurer of the Youth Board Executive Committee. One of my Top 5 Gallup Strengths is Includer. Having this strength allows me to recognize diverse needs and have the ability to include and lead others to serve those needs. My hobbies include spending time with my friends and family, hiking, and baking. I am inspired to fill unmet needs in my community through the desire to see my community flourish.

I hope that through my position on the Youth Board Executive Committee I am able to strengthen my skills needed to better my community and build lasting relationships along the way.

Sarahi Lopez, Hands4Hope Youth Board Public Relations Coordinator

& El Dorado High School Hands4Hope Club Vice President

Hi my name is Sarahi Lopez and I’m a senior at El Dorado High School. I’ve been involved with Hands4Hope for two years now. My current leadership positions are the President of the El Dorado Club and Public Relations Coordinator for the Youth Board Executive Committee. One of my top five Gallup strengths that I have discovered and developed through Hands4Hope leadership is relationship building. Through leadership experiences Hands4Hope has given me the opportunity to experience and build new friendships with other youth leaders and with club participants. Some of my hobbies outside of Hands4Hope include hanging out with friends and sewing. My inspiration to find ways to better my community comes from my mother, as she has always been active in her own community service and never says no to helping others.

My goal this year is to help bring as much positive change to my community as I can. I also hope to further improve my leadership and communication skills.

Sarah Jeon, Hands4Hope Folsom Community Engagement Ambassador

& Vista Del Lago High School Hands4Hope Club President

Hi, I am Sarah Jeon and I’m a senior at Vista del Lago. I joined Hands4Hope when I was in 8th grade and this year will be my 5th year of involvement. My current position is President of the Vista del Lago Club and Folsom Community Engagement Ambassador. One of my Top 5 Gallup Strengths is Arranger. This strength allows me to be organized in a complex setting and be able to arrange different variables into a streamlined and cohesive plan. I am also able to work flexibly and dynamically, a factor that is vital to the planning stage of a fundraiser. Outside of Hands4Hope, I enjoy hiking, going on runs, and playing soccer--anything outdoors. I also love to thrift and go to the farmer’s market. My inspiration to help fulfill unmet needs in my community stems from seeing the wide variety of needs in our local community. There are so many different groups needing aid within Sacramento and El Dorado counties and I am motivated to help them.

By serving on the Hands4Hope Youth Board Executive Committee, I hope to collaborate with my peers, working together towards a shared goal in order to benefit the community. I also hope to learn leadership and professional skills that can be applied to my life after high school.

Zara Moness, Hands4Hope El Dorado Hills Community Engagement Ambassador

My name is Zara Moness. I am a rising senior at Oak Ridge High School and I am thrilled to be fulfilling the position of this year’s El Dorado Hills Community Engagement Ambassador. My passion for this organization stems from 7th grade, where I was involved in our Hands4Hope middle school chapter.  During this time, I began to understand what an incredible impact this organization has in the community.  This led me to continue this journey into high school and this year I have had the opportunity to lead as the Inspire Club’s Public Relations Coordinator. After reflecting on my strengths in the Top 5 Gallup Strengths report, I noticed one of my qualities is “Focus”. As both an officer and an embarking Youth Board Executive Committee member, this idea allows me to focus on incorporating various aspects of youth into discussion and planning. Additionally, this quality enables me to apply Hands4Hope's values and lessons to advocate for specific social and community issues relevant to my life and my role as an officer. Moreover, my hobbies include biking around my neighborhood, watching thriller movies, and swimming. My inspiration for wanting to be involved in helping fill unmet needs is that I believe in the power of education and support to make a meaningful difference in the lives of all ages.

This year, my two goals for Youth Board are to become more comfortable with speaking to the public about diverse issues I care about, and to collaborate with others to create impactful initiatives based on the values of Hands4Hope.

Maddi Matlack, Hands4Hope Placerville Community Engagement Ambassador

Hi, I am Madison Matlack and I am a senior at Union Mine High School. I have been in Hands4Hope since the 7th grade and am currently the 2024-25 Placerville Community Engagement Ambassador. One of my Top 5 Gallup Strengths that I discovered through Hands4Hope leadership is individualization. This strength allows me to identify and utilize the unique abilities of those around me to enhance the overall quality of my team. Outside of Hands4Hope I enjoy playing softball, reading, writing, and watching movies. For me, my inspiration to help fill unmet needs in my community comes from wanting others to feel the same care and support that I was given growing up.

This year, my goal is that by serving as a Community Engagement Ambassador I will improve my public speaking, broaden my awareness on community needs, and show people my passion for service.


Stay updated about what the Youth Board Executive Committee is up to by visiting their web page.

Photography credit: Charm Photography

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